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Questions, special orders, suggestions: contact Us
We are striving to be the most complete greek food shop in the Hague. if you miss something just sent us a message and we will see if we can add it to our assortment.
If you have a special order, big or small, we are ready to try to meet your request. just sent us a message and we will do our level best to meet your request.
if you think we can do better or you have a compliment: just sent us a message
Ahornstraat 84
2565 ZZ Den Haag
Company details
BTWnr: NL003599071B32
Opening hours:
Tuesday till Friday: 08:30-18:00
Saturday 10:00-18:00
Sunday & Monday on appointment.
Online: open 24/7
During school holidays opening times are different. Check the latest news or Google
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